Political terminology and Types of government

Political terminology
  • Radical adj. supporting complete political or social change- a radical n.
  • Liberal adj. supporting changes in political, social, or religious systems that respect the different beliefs, ideas, etc., of other people- a liberal n.
  • Moderate adj. having opinions or beliefs, especially about politics, that are not extreme and that most people consider reasonable or sensible- a moderate n.
  • Conservative adj. preferring to continue to do things as they have been done in the past rather than risking changes- a conservative n.
  • Reactionary adj. strongly opposed to political or social change- a reactionary n.

Types of government
  • Monarchy: this type of government is characterized by a king who exercises the head of state.
  • Dictatorship: in this case, through force and the army, a leader has totalitarian power over the people who inhabit the nation.
  • Democracy: decisions are made based on what the majority wants and votes are held to change or create a rule of the constitution.
  • Aristocratic rule: a group of exclusive people and considered the best are the ones who command the country.
  • Federal Republic: it is a political organization that is characterized by having the State divided into an executive, judicial and legislative power.
  • Socialist Republic: is one that proclaims nominal collectivism, in terms of the means of production and exchange.
  • Parliamentary republic: it is a position to the presidential republics because this is a form of government in which the head of state normally does not have executive power.
